A T nonimmigrant visa, commonly referred to as a “T Visa,” is a visa for survivors of sex trafficking or labor trafficking. Trafficking victims include men, women, and children.
Did someone lure you to the United States with false promises and then force you to perform sexual acts for money or make you work long hours to pay back your debt? If someone has forced, tricked, or coerced you into performing labor (work) or sexual acts, you could be a victim of human trafficking. We can help you determine if you are eligible for this benefit.
If you obtain a T Visa, you can remain in the United States and get a work permit. After three years (or earlier in certain cases), you can apply for a green card. Some of your family members may also be eligible for immigrant benefits based on your T Visa case.
If you are a trafficking survivor, there is help for you. Please call our Ormond Beach, Florida office to discuss your options.